Readers’ corner – September to October 2022

Every month I give my brief take on books I’ve been reading, and an article or two that I’d recommend from my travels on the internet.

Here’s what’s been keeping me busy since my last post:

Circus of Wonders – Elizabeth Macneal (Picador)

Imagine if your father sold you to the circus? That’s what happens to Nell, who lives in poverty in rural Victorian Britain, literally up to her elbows in flowers that she and other people pick to be sent to far-off markets. Nell is different – she has speckled skin. So when the circus comes to town, her father sees his chance and sells her to Jasper Jupiter, an unpleasant man with ambitions for his Circus of Wonders.
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Reader’s corner – June, 2022: Getting carried away

My name is Renee and I don’t belong to a book club.

There: the truth is out. There are many ways to fail at being a middle-class woman and not belonging to a book club is one of them.

Somehow, when book clubs became a thing, I wasn’t paying attention. It’s probable that I was hanging about in pubs at the time, with various other reprobates. Or perhaps I was too busy reading.

The thing is, left to myself, I can read more books in any given week than I have hot meals. I mean this – I could comfortably get through two books a day if people would leave me in peace. Continue reading

Could you ever write something in a library book?

When I was in Grade 2, I had a teacher called Miss Reynolds. She was outwardly terrifying and children in Grade 1 spent a lot of time hoping they would not be placed in her class.

But there I was, stuck with Miss Reynolds for a whole year. And it turned out she was lovely – my first life lesson in the uselessness of worrying about things that haven’t happened yet.

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