How not to hate marketing (part three)

Marketing has been much on my mind in 2024. At last I think I have a way forward. The key is to find a niche…

Over the last few months I’ve written two long and somewhat meandering posts about marketing, how I hate it and what I’m doing to do about it. (Links to those two posts are at the bottom of this post, along with an AI-generated summary of the main points).

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How to do small business planning… in spring!

I’m not going to do an end-of-year review and business plan in 2024. Instead, I am working on a spring clean, an exercise in seasonal renewal.

Ever since I’ve been running my own business, I’ve taken a holiday in December and done my annual review and planning exercise either before or after that holiday.

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My home office gets an upgrade

One of the joys of self-employment is the freedom to decide where your home office will be located…

When I first started work, it was in an open-plan office – the Eastern Province Herald newsroom to be precise.

I don’t think I had any idea what an office was supposed to be like. I knew that important people like the Editor (then Koos Viviers) had offices but I did not know what might be in such an office, since I was thankfully never called into it.

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Why that new toy is not as shiny as you think it is

How a simple mid-year review turned into weeks of uncertainty, courtesy of shiny new object syndrome…

Every year I do a mid-year business review. Usually that means I assess what I’ve been doing, and think about what needs to change, or continue, for the next six months.

I get out the plans I made at the beginning of the year and start with those, usually doing some adaptations but generally carrying on as I have been doing.

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