How not to hate marketing (part one)

For many people who run small businesses, marketing is hard. I’m no exception. I’ve been researching why we hate it so much…

I’ve been doing a lot of marketing recently.

I’ve been making connections on LinkedIn, sending emails to people who might need my skills, applying for freelance gigs I see online– a round of cold calling, in the sense that I am writing to people who I don’t know and who don’t know me.

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The real danger of AI (and it is not new)

There are two words in the phrase “artificial intelligence”. And it is only one of them poses the real dangers we face…

I not sure I want to read another article about artificial intelligence. I’m not sure I want to write one, either.

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Make an online course – conquering fear, again

I want to make an online course. There’s a lot that’s scary about that… but there are ways to conquer fear.

I’ve been in the doldrums, a bit.

I can’t say I started the year on a high, exactly, but I had (and still have) a set of plans and thoughts and instincts about ways in which I would change the way I did things.

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It’s not a lifehack, it’s a tech policy for one

Ah, the seductive pull of the lifehack! Simple little things that make things better – if only.

A recent post by journalist and science fiction author Cory Doctorow traces the history of the concept from 2004, when Danny O’Brien presented “Life Hacks: Tech Secrets of Overprolific Alpha Geeks” at the 0’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference.

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