Getting things done: The power of an afternoon nap

It’s 2pm on a Friday, and I’ve just had a little nap – which will keep me going all afternoon.

I discovered the power of an afternoon nap when reading Make Time, where one of the key concepts is making sure you have enough energy to do all the things that need to be done in any given day.

That means the obvious things – a good night’s sleep, eating nutritious food, going for walk, taking breaks. For me though, it’s meant something less obvious – a gradual shift in the way I approach my working life.
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There’s a system for that!

When I was a child, in a country far, far away, there was no television.

It was South Africa, and what there was, was the SABC (look at page 8), divided into three categories: the A service (in English), the B service (in Afrikaans) and Springbok radio (with adverts! And popular music!).

And on the A service, every weekday afternoon there was a 15-minute children’s programme.
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Simple self-care – just get organised

The other night, my 17-year-son said: “Mom, you were right.”

I sat up and listened. It turns out he had been persuaded by a video he saw on YouTube that he does indeed need a diary to keep track of his schoolwork.

I smiled, and said we would go buy one.

Readers, I have been telling him he needs a diary since he left primary school, when the school made every kid keep one for their homework.
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