2021 – that’s a wrap

I don’t think there’s anything that can be said about the past year that hasn’t been said more eloquently than I can. And I’m just tired now.

And as Sarah Maria Griffin said on Twitter:

i don’t wanna hear a single prediction for 2022. not a peep. no comparisons to current & previous plague years, no audacious hopes. no dread. just radical neutrality. hands off the wheel. this is a speculation free zone. surrender to mystery

So – this is just to say that I am shortly going to be taking a break. I plan to spend most of the week running up to December 24 planning for 2022 (in spite of what she said there on the Twitter), and will be back at work from January 10.

May I take this opportunity to wish you and yours a safe and healthy festive season.

And in particular, may you have a preposterous New Year. (This is now our standard family greeting, stolen from the cheerful seller of a Christmas tree many moons ago).

Main picture by Jan Tinneberg, Unsplash

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