In 2018, I put my one-woman business through a rebranding exercise – the “look and feel” of the website you are reading this article on is a result of that process.
At the time, I decided that the three focus areas for my work were training, editing and online journalism. And those are still things that I do, and offer to clients.
But over time, I’ve learned that actually I do something more profound than that. In a variety of reflection processes last year, I distilled the essence of what I do to this:
I help people make order out of chaos.
What that means
I’m a systems-oriented and organised person with long experience in the disciplines of editing, writing and production systems.
On a surface level I use that experience to edit a document, or write a piece of content, or run a social media account, or work on planning a project, or keep a news website turning over.
And as part of those processes, I am always actually working with a person – often a busy woman – who needs support and reassurance and calmness and someone to help with untying the knots that always arise in life and work.
I am in short a wingman – except that that word has other associations. Perhaps guardian angel works? Too religious?
Why I do that
It’s simple really: I like helping people (and I like helping people to fly on their own).
I am also devoted in my personal practice to be someone who learns, who explores and who discovers.
And the process of working with people in their chaos is always one in which I learn things.
Why I write what I do
All of those things are what lie behind these blog posts, and of the social media posts I do on my own accounts.
I write about being organised (or trying to be), about things that inspire me or motivate me, I talk about my craft (journalism), and I try to cover some deeper or more complex issues when events in the world push me in that direction. (I also, every now and then, do a bit of writing about my business, as this post shows.)
How can I help you?
If there are topics you’d like covered please let me know!
If you need a half an hour on a call to talk through something knotty, let me know!
And if you just need your business flyer proofread, I can do that too!
Contact me if you would like to chat about how I can help with all your organisational or communication needs (coaching, editing, writing, social media). And you can subscribe to my newsletter here.
Main picture: Markus Spiske on Unsplash